Start by determining how much you can comfortably spend on a home. If you’re financing, get pre-approved by a lender to know your budget. For cash buyers, be ready to show proof of assets. Remember, even with financing, you’ll need cash for a down payment, typically ranging from 5% to 20% of the total loan amount, depending on the type of financing.
Once you’ve found a home, the seller’s attorney will prepare a contract for your review. With the help of your agent and attorney, you’ll conduct due diligence on the property. This includes inspections, appraisals, title searches, and land surveys to ensure there are no hidden issues.
If pre-approved, the mortgage process becomes simpler. Submit a mortgage application using the executed contract, providing employment, asset, debt, and income information, along with details about the home. You can apply with the bank that pre-approved you or explore other lenders for better rates.
After mortgage approval, the closing date is set. Your attorney coordinates with the seller’s side and the bank. Once closing is complete, you’ve officially purchased your new home. It’s time to celebrate your successful home search and move in!
After signing the final paperwork to complete the purchase, you are now the owner of a new house. It may take a few days for your loan to be funded once the paperwork has been returned to the lender, but once that check is delivered to the seller, you’ll be all set to move into the home of your dreams.